1. The Abridged Series - TV Tropes
Missing: Tejou Kusuguri Taiketsu!
A Sub-Trope of Gag Dub and a type of Crack Fic, that deals specifically with shortening works of fiction, and making fun of it. Stricto sensu an abridged series, well, abridges, but many examples over the years have added wholly unique narratives …
2. Abridged Series Tropes
Missing: Tejou Kusuguri Taiketsu!
Tropes commonly used among The Abridged Series. While other media use these tropes, abridged series often have specific forms, due to the community nature of the sites these series appear on. Tropes: The Abridged Series (main topic) The vital …
3. Golden Sun: The Abridged Series (Web Video) - TV Tropes
Missing: Tejou Kusuguri Taiketsu!
Golden Sun: The Abridged Series is an Abridged Series of Golden Sun made by Magmabear (now going under the new channel title of KisukeOboro). Like most Abridged Series, GS:TAS relies on Alternate Character Interpretation for its humor and …
4. Memetic Loser - TV Tropes
MemeticLoser / Video Games · MemeticLoser / Anime & Manga · My Hero Academia
Sometimes a character is shown to be competent, maybe even heroic and badass. But that's not what they're remembered most for. Instead, they become remembered for their supposed "lameness". The fandom flanderizes that one time the character made …
5. Sgt. Frog Abridged (Web Video) - TV Tropes
Sgt Frog Abridged is The Abridged Series of Sgt. Frog by TheMidnightFrogs, originally created by Mugiwara Yoshi and ThornBrain.
Sgt Frog Abridged is The Abridged Series of Sgt. Frog by TheMidnightFrogs, originally created by Mugiwara Yoshi and ThornBrain. Yoshi and Thorn were the series primary writers for its first two seasons, joined frequently by BigTUnit1/Travis …
6. Troll Fic - TV Tropes
Fanfiction made to be deliberately offensive, either in subject matter or quality. Troll Fics always come armed with Canon Defilement.
Fanfiction made to be deliberately offensive, either in subject matter or quality. Troll Fics always come armed with Canon Defilement, intentionally aiming to fall just short of Crossing The Line Twice, and piling on the violence, death, and …
7. War Is Glorious - TV Tropes
For example, the cost of avoiding a war can be shown as greater than the cost of fighting it. Many serious justification of wars lie outside this trope, being ...
It's exciting. It makes you a stronger, better person. It breeds Badasses. It's finer than Spring. The sacrifices may be extreme, but are extremely noble, maybe even saintly. In many ways the opposite of War Is Hell. Some people deeply enjoy …
8. Tejou Kusuguri Gaman Taiketsu! | Handcuffed Tickling Endurance ...
Aug 13, 2024 · Read online download Tejou Kusuguri Gaman Taiketsu! | Handcuffed Tickling Endurance Showdown! gekkou Aug 13, 2024, 6:01 PM