O.ktinrJ Tribune, Friday, Oct. 3, 1958 1 New Anti-Leukemia Drug to Be Tried on First Human 6TH DO-IT-YOURSELF SHOW OPENS IN OAKLAND OCT. 16 erful lrwectlddes. Experiments were launched hundred of children before It could be generally accepted by the medical profession. Another speaker at the three- to find out why these cancer day meeting in San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel was Dr.
Wen dell Stanley, Nobel prize win ning director of the University By JACK RTAV Tribune Staff Writer A hopeful new drug for treating child victim of fatal leukemia if being prepared for its first human trial at Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research in New York. new drug and the proposed clinical trial on hopelessly ill children was disclosed today by the institute's director, Dr. Cornelius P. Rhoads. Dr.
Rhoads told the California section of the American Cancer Society meeting in San Krancisco that the drug treatment represents something of new theory in dealing with this dreaded blood disease. the child becomes dangerously ilL But this time, 6-mercapto purine seldom help and the child dies. With acute leukemia at present, the death rate of its victims is 100 per cent What happens that the remission of the disease iant permanent? Dr. Rhoads explains that most of the bloo4 cancer cells are killed by the drug when it Is first given, but a few malignant cells escape. The scientist believes these cells escape the powerful drug because they have developed a resistance to it in the same way that flies develop a resistance to DDT or other pow ribotide.
According to Dr. Rhoads, sometime within the next few months some youngster with acute leukemia that has relapsed after treatment will be given the first dose of the new drug. If the disease goes away again a second time it will represent one of the most important breakthroughs yet made in the war against cancer. Dr. Rhoads emphasized that a successful human reaction to the new drug cannot in any way be considered a "cure" for acute leukemia.
It would take at least five years of successful treatment of many What has actually happened, said Dr. Rhoads, is that institute chemists have found a way of adding something new to an old drug used routinely in treatment of acute leukemia. The drug is known as 6-Mer-captopunne. Fundamentally, what happens is this, according to Dr. Rhoads: When a child contracts acute leukemia, he is given 6-mer-captopurine and in most cases a dramatic remission of the disease is noted.
This remission may last from three to 24 months. Unfortunately, however, the disease shows up again and v. cells were resistant The result suggests that the resistance is due to the inability of some cancer cells to convert purine into its poisonous form. Thus these cancer cells escape death. However, in experiments with mouse cancer cells, by hooking purine to the basic constituents of cells the glue of the cell the resistant cells were killed.
So complex chemical experiments were undertaken and Sloan-Kettering scientists came up with a substance known as 6-Mercaptopurine- The latest in products and materials designed to save time and money for home owners will be featured at Ted Bent-ley's sixth annual Do-lt-Your-self Show which opens an 11-day run Oct. 18 in the Oakland Exposition Building. Experts will be present to demonstrate each of the products, many of which will be displayed for the first time in this area at the show, Bentley said. On display will be kits to make table lamps, coi'fee tables, chandeliers and wall d-cor; novel Christmas decorations and the latest tools and equipment for home workshop projects. The California Council for Adult Education's Hay Section will conduct demonstrations in fields ranging from photography to welding.
Theme of this year's show is "Dividends in Better Living." A total of some 500,000 persons have seen previous shows. of California Virus Laboratory. Dr. Stanley told the group that dollars can whip cancer and that many millions of dollar! more are needed for the job. He pointed out that last year Californians contributed an average of only 18 cents to the American Cancer Society fund drive.
He said that Californians could have easily tripled that donation. 12nd Am 0 i a i Brenner's has i i i ill UVttlH It l3MWllEi ale! wins A Mj. .7 Trade in your OLD sleep sets for the New and save even more at 102-year-old Breuner's. We make liberal appraisals for used goods to re-sell in our big USED FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT in our Thrift Basem*nt. Spectacular Purchase! Versatile Twin Size QDQfilB, 4- BONUS EXTRAS when you purchase one of these sleep sets Your Choice Si FOR EXTRA BEDROOM FOR THE GUEST ROOM These sets are so special in price we can't even mention the famous manufacturer's name.
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