Desert Dispatch from Barstow, California (2024)

aMTQW, CALIFORNIA i. BARSTOW PRINTER THURSDAY, JUNK 1, 1131 Sheer, Lovely Cottons for Summer Dr. Itoy II. Chapin DcntUt TCIKFIIOXK 1333 Next door to Foatofflco lUrstow Offlco hrs. 8:30 t.m.

to 4:30 p.m. NICHOLAS National Topics Interpreted by William Druckart S. Im Brnaon, M. D. Physician and Knrgraa 131 First Street Itnrslow XEXT BOOR TO FHISTEK rilOSK33l GEORGE PATTON sminiziNa ant stylk 1IAIK tlTTISa LADIES tilt CESTI.EXEN.

I'llOSE 3321 fiaaranteed for Tno Years Watches repaired by L. JACOBSON JEWELER ftanta Fa Watek Is.perisr Cradaato llerologlral lastHata of Washington, I. aaMiisaiiBMiaj at 5 MILLETFS NOW I'KIXG (liniCE HICK- ETIIK UEO. SKIVON UANlll ENg ANII TlKKEYM IBOK EVERY SUNDAY 8 REGULAR XEALS Me Hot rolls svery day Two kinds of meat 5 Plenty of eholco vegetables and salads. hom*o Mado Pica, Sandwiches Wo Serve Beer BARBECUE BUTTERKI8T CHEESE 15c 150 10c ,100 15e HAMBURGER BEEF, FORK or BAKED HAM HOT PORK, BEEF or Potatoes and Gravy TRY OUR REGULAR BAKED HAM 25a Milletts DINING BOOM Daggett Calif.

gViofte 3483 SbbbiiiibibbbiibbbibbbbB Ye! We have BEER 15c DO DROP INN Main Street Bantam, CaHf. KODAK QUICK SERVICE FRRR KNLAHGE3I PINTS Imvo Filina at Cunnlnqham Pharmacy or WHITE CAFE 321 E. Main St Baratow MOTOR EX-RAY Only machlno shop on Hit desert equipped with MOTOR-EX-RAY Portable Welding and Draining Equipment Latho and Machlno Work TOW SERVICE Day, Night Telephono 263 BEACON GARAGE Chaa. Mitchell Baratow H. E.

FOGLESONG Attorney 120 N. 1st SL Baratow PAINTING i PAINT WORK REASONABLE AUTO PAINTING YOUNG A MORRISON iSOMFIrat Baratow Boa 4794 CHOCOLATE PALACE Third Street Ban Bernardino CLUB I1REAKFAST8. REGULAR LUNCH ES AND DINNERS, WHERE THE DESERT FOLKS MEET. Cool and Comfortablo Unusually Attractlva Boxes of Candy for MOTHER'S DAT In San Bernardino Who Does Your Auto Repairing? If you are acquainted la Saa Bernardino ws know tho answer. Our gangs la open day and sight for tho convenience of those living out of town.

Mechanics on duty day and night. Conveniently located. Will call for and deliver your cor ot your hotaL Our prices for mechanical work are In keeping with the times. Chrysler and Plymouth Agency CALIFORNIA GARAGE BUICK Authorised SERVICE THE ADDRESS 483 FIFTH ST. San Bernardino It will bs a treat fully appreciated by.

all ths residents of Mojave River Valley. BYRON STEAM HEATED C1IERIE rT Vvr .1 a '-A Ri" I r.y-' CHEER cottons are tit- nmidiant In the mode. Of all the lluttefy-rnffly see hois the ronilng enmnn-r promlsi-s to he the flutleri-eNt nilllllrst one we have known for pram. With all the dainty rrlsp organdies, flinty nioiisM-lluet, dotted nets and awlsscs and alnil-lar airy-fairy roltona which the vogue eulla for. It la Inevitable that our auimnrr raiment will go alluringly frmlnlue, which It does to the point of enchantment.

Commencement frock especially yield to femlnlno persuasion tills season. They ara all that any fair on might drram of In the way of beguiling effects which myriads of tUtlo rafflea and "oodles of tiny edgings unfailingly kMprak. Tim prelUneas of tbme frocks, made of plain or embroidered organdies or sheer ninuasellnen and the like, la simply devastating. Their fall long skirts (usually ending above the ankle) have a picturesque grace about them aa they fairly revel In a fron frou of raffles and melting end each. If not rafflea and frills and decorative trentmenta, then adroitly rat ample flam and circular movements, such nn distinguish the winsome frocks pictured, accomplish the coveted fall-oesa for the new skirts.

Let no on assume, however, that the presence of wide hemlines means that slender silhouettes ara to be sacrificed. Not for one moment I The new "lines rail for slim fitted hips and not unllj point Is reached between hipline and knees Is the skirt allowed to sputter out Into whirling, swirling masses of little ruffles er develop widening flares. GOWNS BEING MADE FOR SUNDAY NIGHT The Importance of "Hunduy night" la stressed by one I iris house, for It has designed prolmbly the major Ity of Its ajirlng and summer costumes with thla particular evening In mind. When you think of It, It la quite an luapl ration, for Sunday night Is a tlmo for relaxation, Informality and congenlnl Intimacy, lienee ensembles that lit In with these feelings must Im very lovely and restful, provocative of delightful eonver nation, restful to the rye and refreshing In every detnlL And that la Just what they are. The black crepe frocks have graceful sleeves with much fullness aliout the ellmw, often of white diamante tulle or In a heavier bile fared crepe.

Larqnered lace makes possible many stiff, stnndiiplsh frills for the outlining of derolletogrs whlrh give them rrisiamas that Is almost fragile. Organdie Is used In the same manner. More and Better Blouaes Fashion Slogan of Spring Ton may wear the frilllest of Victorian creation nr yon mny go In for simple Fnsristl shirt But blouses you must have, far this Is pre-eminently a salt season. For Informal wear, randy-s' Hped shirting, mnile tip In severe mannish style with a enllnr which may be worn osn nr closed. Is a favorite type.

Cny plaid tsffcln, or cherked sumh ailk ara made lip In youthful orrridouses, belted nt the waistline, wlih np sleeves, and hugs scarf bows tied umler the rlila linen, with drawn work of stripes or rlieeka. In butter yellow, hrlek red or old blue, Is being mnda np In slmpla blouse for wenr with tailored Jacket stills. There Is praetlcully nn limit to tho variety In more dresaed-up blouses, far town wear, and for bridge, luneheon or ten. Novelty Orgaedies Very springlike ara the flowers of Uio new gay crisp otgsndlo blouses. Soma of tho very newest ones are of crinkly organdlo with atripea Ilka seersucker.

Others are of blistered organdies. Still others are of the sheer starched organdies. as Is to Thu wuuliy has rt iml Iha lnt- Just limit lliNMiwIt In PtopU fruit nailnr to bliuarlf BaateUelt ot Rooteven hlB hJ urogram buMw Ihm 1n'u hUlniln lo ouraumga national rwi-ry ami iwurlil fr "'I'slrue. II, if public Mlmnlunt (lie pnoHimlc nmehliuvy. Ilia val.t.iil aokwl fur atithurltr to u4 In bl dlarrrtlnn hthiiiI In Ri, unit uiiljr in that arcnnlml him In Die linlutTim pnwliilima of Iha rin fallrf prog! II nilktil ho asnnimnl Hint Iha di-li-guti'w ao murh power la lhi I'mJih-nl wM rrmla din-iru'l aniiinn Iha propla of Ilia nn-fliui, ami that probably wonlil ha Hif mult In any eminiry tar our uwn, Ih'rr, however, It apiimra i itio grtnf masai-a of Iha iiila wniilil rather have that twer visit'd la Sir.

Roosevelt Ilian In tha fuNt ihM nirranitatlrra of llilr un m-leithm who Sit III Ilia taro liitiiM of cwigroi-. I And In my miiiiila In Washington that Ilia nf observers la virtually iinuiiliiii'iii. Their Information rotmn In ry rty front hark home," Hip HiIUrln any. and oo every. Inxly M-pina to HpIIpvo Iha la mora rapalila nf lining ihlnea In thla erisle than rangreaa, rongrrsa.

I lulKht add par-pinliptli-nlly Ilia reason rungraus lui grunted an much la beraue In-dlrliliiHlIy and rollartlvply it la afnihl lo go against tha wishes nf a man ho liaa might Iha Iniaglna-iln of Iha electoral aa President Roosevelt baa dimr. Although the legislation accnrda tha President Iha sweeping power only for two yean, hla rights dur-Ins Hint lima to farm a partnership wlih coniniprra and ladnatry are lin-wt HiiiHIcm. albeit they de-lriitl uHa voluntary co-oic ration by roinniorra and Industry to a err-tnln extent Hut by Ilia ayatem of licensing whlrh la net up, It la made lo appMr without much oiinlyida that huidneM had better m-oera(e or elae In the Drat Instnnre, all the longstanding antllrnat law art abrogated, klrkrd out of tha window, wi lo niicak. Upon tha aipllcatlnn of any association that la retire-FPtiintlre of a trade or croup or business, Iha President la empowered to arrange with thnt organl-autlun and Ita Individual member for a cod of rule governing Ita ronqirtjilon. Ja other words, lie la empowered to any In aiihafunre Clint price may bn ad high enough to alTonl all of them a reaannabla return of profit.

It la obvious, of eottrae, If thera la a fair return fac-iories will open and normal rlinnnela of trada will begin to flow. That means employment, and employment means erealkm of buying power. Hut tha agreement niuat ha within the bounds of reason or tha President will not accept It There are only two restrictions to tha President's power In this-direction. Let ma Two quota them: The Reatrietiona 1realdent may acres to those codes of competlllna If he finds (1) that such aaenciatloM or croups Impost no Inequllahla restrictions on admission to membership and ara truly repreaentntlva of anch trades or Industries or subdivisions thereof, and (2) that such cod nr code are not designed to promote monopolies or to eliminate or oppress small enterprises and will not operate to discriminate gainst them." It la tha plain purpose of thnt provision to see that such things aa chain stores do not swallow np tha comer grocery and that a great corporation may not drlra lemer ones out of business. Thus, we aea the government fostering a program that la designed to assure for btudneM a living wage and In providing that, It la tha hope nf tha President that there will ha a living wage for worker, too.

But tha program la not all a bed of roses for business. Tlis President may, as a condition of hla approval of tha codes, "Impose inch condition (Including requirements far the making of reporta and the keeping of accounts) for the protection of consumers, coiiiitcfltnrs, employees and other" as he mny deem necessary In tha public Interest." That provlfdon In a touchy apot In effect, of course, the President will taka little pnrt In admlnlntratlon of tha law. It will be done by those lo whom ho has Klven the sdinlnlstrutlre duty. And It never hns been and prolmbly never will be thnt any group of government ofllclnls see things the nme way. Consequently, one hears nuny predictions that commerce and Industry will ha making reports In anch dctull and In anch number, and Investigation will ha fining on to anch an extent that Industry will ba engaged In going rr ita hooka In one way or an-Dior about all of tha time.

Farther, II never hns been pupa, lar among American busioee RHa to have all of lh fan nlmut their affalra diat-hwed. It I predict now that llila condition, dttvi-InjM-d lilably by Hie federal trmle rmnuila-but, will lie very much worse asd that one factory will pmliably know all about lie nuupoliior, Im-luillng the so-called manufacturing secret From these has rum Hui progreH of modern manuraiiuring ami distribution, Tha public work M-timi uf lb blit la of bw luingliiatlvo actor. Onirlgbt Hopotoapeed and wlih no Roeovery repilmi, it nmkea liruvision for tho eieudlluro or tbn-o bllllim Hire hundred million dollars for public construction. It pmimv-s tho ox. pmdlluro of these fund over a period of two years, or so much of It oa may be nm-saary to pn vide employ mi-ut.

Tlie nnistriirtioB work, of course, will canoe oil of the line of business sinking or celling material for building to aia-od mi. It ought to expo nd pay rolls In a hundred-odd Him as well aa give the railroad some business. It apiiears to be a glgumlc elfnrt to InrreuM the momentum of mttvery which mt everyone Is-IIwm to be well under woy. If It eui-cet-d. no on will questlno tho cost.

It bold ont that hup anyway, according to Ui PmbleiiL Ur. UiKwcvcIt baa nt drafted the prngram of consiractbm, nor did lie offer to congress Hit plnu of taxation to raise fnads far the Interest on the bond for flnsnrlng the work, lie left the lax matter to congress and thus avoided ramdug trouble for himself, for ba can say thereafter that the taxes were laid by the wla dam of congress. After a lapse of twenty years, the senate of tho United Sintra again baa performed Hie functions of court of trial on artb-b-s of Impeachment. It has Just mni-tuded this task on charges of Imiw-aclinimt adojitcd In the house of retiresenta-fives against Harold LuuiU-riwck, federal Judge la Hie northern district of California, marking the tenth lime In our history Hint the ernat has organised as a court of trial Even blase Washington In not acquainted with Hie procedure bees use It occur so seldom, end the trial drew to the galleries crowds of Hit proportion attracted hy fli most extraordinary murder mm IlerauM the senule alts a a court so seldom. It might be worth while to recall wlint the When Senate procedure la In Acte ae Court wm-ral the federal Constitution prescribes Hie work to lie done and how It alinll he performed.

The house of represeolatlveo sits a grand Jury, bearing accusations or charges brought against a federal official Tha charge originally is ono of "high crimen and misdemeanors" fallowed by a statement of a house member that therefore Impeach" the Individual named. The next step la performed by a house committee to which le erred a resolution of Impeachment and that committee determines whether It will recommend formal vote of lnieuclimeut by tho house Tima when the matter le placed before the house It vote for or against Imiieschment, whlrh to all Intents and purposes I like on Indirt meat by grand Jury. On March 4, Just few hours before the old congress adjourned, a senate attache appeared In tha middle aisle of the chamber and addressed Vice President Curtla announcing tho arrlrsl of a committee of the house. Their arrival having been duly noted, tbs Vico President Inquired tbelr mission. "To present articles of Impeachment against Ilnmld Louderimek," replied Representative Sumners, of Texaa the chief mu nager on tho part of the Imnse.

"They will Im received," replied Mr. Curtla without emotion. Then the amnle nergeunt at arms arose In his place. "Hear yel Hear ye! Hear ye!" cried the Migrant at arma "All persons ara commanded to keep silent on imln of Imprisonment while the house of representative Is exhibiting to the senate of the United States article of Impeachment against Harold famderbnek." And so the senate had been notified fonnnlly and offlelnlly, and In due course It organised Itself Into a court of trluL The defrndnnt la allowed legal counsel. Kuril shin mny call witnesses and they testify under noth In the Mnnte chamber Just aa they would In court Thera la the direct examlnutlw.

and cross examination, tlie house managers acting at all times In Hie role of the prosecution. When all of tho evldonct la In tho cast Is then left for derision by ths Jury of senators, two-thlrda of whom must vote for eon-vlctlon or tho defendant 1s automatically acquitted of ths chargee HIS, WaUra NiwspMsr tmias. R'Vvri' -BVSj :1 SiU The sleeves of these prettily femlnlno frocks arc whimsical aa a passing summer breeze. They are, almost without exception, short, and they are either puffed or raffled or lace-adorned or stiffened to stand out os sprightly as ballet dancer's skirl Sometime the canning puffs ara ensnared by a neat band which makes thera demure. Necklines, too, contribute in no small way to tha prettlness and be-comlngness of these faadMtliig summer frocks.

The gay and debonair gown posed to tha right la tha Illustration, haa a lovely neckline. The mnterlal for this winsome model la a durened starched sheer cotton. The embroidered dote are green. The belt la green velvet The white organdie flowers which ratline the neckline In lei fashion are repented on the skirt, for the newest gesture among designers Is to distinctively feature attractive bark views The keynote of the frock on the rated figure Is Its simplicity sophisticated simplicity. If you please, for the duretM embroidered white organdie which faahlons It la last word In fabric lore.

Nothing could be prettier for graduate wear, later this Mine frock could ho posed over pastel taffeta when It roes to par ties and to dances. A IMS, Wwtto NswassSW UalaB. CHIC LINEN SUIT Mr rilEKIB NHHOI.AH Tli one who know fashions are authu-slnstlc over the Idea of linen aa a medium far the new Jucket suits. Tlie new tweed wears linens are aa soft fine woolen and the Iwaiity nf them that they erush little, If at alL ftimirt I'nrlalennei have atnrted the vogue of the dnrk blnnso with the natural colored linen suit, brown or navy organdie being espeelnlly sponsored for these blouses. The young wonuin In the picture hum rhoseii wenr navy and white striped blouse with soft-tied navy aenrf with her attractlva noncrualmhle tweed linen suit Match It Up A new match-lt-up accessory are plain pumps that ran be worn unadorned or with selections from an assortment of bows to match tho eostumai ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR CLOTHES CLEANING? With our large force of specially trained employees and our extensive equipment of modem machinery we are in a better position to give you better cleaning.

Whether it be your largest brussel carpets or your finest evening dress, whether it be a pair of gloves or a leather coat it does not make any difference as we have special machinery and well trained employees to do that particular kind of work. Covered buttons, Plaiting, Heniatitching, Hats cleaned end Reblocked, Rugs denned and re-Sixed. And all this work dono with modern machinery at todays prices. It costs only a few cents to send your cleaning here by parcel post. We have a specially prepared room to store your fur coats for the summer.

Larsen Dye Works 407 South Street The Most Beautiful Sight In San Bernardino You will enjoy resting at San Bernardinoa newest hotel favoring the beautiful flower garden of your court house. Rates Single $1.50 and $2 Double $2.50 and $3 HOTEL AIRCOOLED.

Desert Dispatch from Barstow, California (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.