Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1887, p. 2 (2024)

iuter ti tr son sk ft arity fair wee can be jerfti le com heap won ches onr audj udg i 4 a e ear large busi- uu- oods from that uce- ot our tries mork of 1 rade go 0 n f s n z hod arrh bo rrb o and sil rrli 16 a a ii- i volume xi ii m a he rtoit jm hts s ivlllllup i vichy thursivy mousing xt m fee- pftess power print ig hous acton ontario subscription rates 100 six months juc liini months j cts y in advance if not laid in advitl ear wii- bo char ariimls m ll publisher oil no papordiscijin paid except at tho advertising rates- 1 vii 0 mo i mo soioo wivi i sjoim i oivi v w lot oixl li00 700 ouo 1 sw iw jo 1 itlo 700 0 ml hi 1 l scouts per lino for the s per lint- for each si b abortion cash the number of lii v the space occupied measured in i nonpureik siicis without specific directio crui till torbid nna churned ueeo at- iinv ledvetievients mtlst bo piid tr oivaet udvertisemouts uist viv by um on tuesdays othcrw so i o alt ovor until the following weekj h- r mooue editoranl proprietor bo tlinstttf55 turrrtorn 11 uvry m b mcps iiti triiiity colkpe mewberof ru siiii5 iw surtons hu the head of frotleri john lwvsox graduate qf on ir- v criiary college toronto v tii ivi- avtiui out oivkt in kcnhy iv- lv i iioiori resilience in thttciir htt tiitt i o souiulness aiid certificates i ail t iiii or iliy promptly attended iuynettrlds dentist j j tikoiutktown ontario a mikinlay lds surgeon 11extist ciooritotown out usos tlio on of nitrous oxide ins commonly i airs for extracting teoth without hvii boon domonstviitor unclpractiiil ovn iovil toloio of dontul slltptous imtrons nmv dopond ujion recoivili in any oporation performed mjill v tfvorv second and fourth wednestlfty i ositb olico in aiews hotel j ii caiuiiqiic surgeon de t tist- milton honor graduate of the k c ie- f dental surgeons of ontario v- vi acton thursday of each week beg r o luly 6tliee in agnews hotel i vito of the natural teoth a special y uiii h isertel on sold celluloid or rub- uirantood perfect vitalised sir nr r i xie aii other anaesthetics used or irssxrictuu of teeth roiusston a- mclican rit sioios notaries i iiyevaueers li ic f 15 0hc join 1 ts to oil 11- town ha ton il acton wm a aiolk r amowat- liiii solilttoi notuy public mjney to loan i y da s tuesday and satinday 1 mttlelvs hlock a ctoll lipstl m e mitchell s iitii conveyanchu ac zizwi milioii of tlk monev cliampioi to lom h nutx allan bairp rarr ieeilla an okokg solicitors ac towx is lilock looructowu am eet east toronto slrtx ii i j ilalild ta b ilkow i carson vkliisteltsatlam cvc ro half r ciiurch street toronto i i itii john catsosbcl acton baiikinu- company storey christie co bankers acton ontario qkxeual 11axk1ng business transacted money loaned on approted noxfis notes discounted aud interest allowed on deposits find the puzzle a the uinlcrsikihhl is prepared tq furnish on tho shortest notice innhy jimntity niid at bot tom prices nrstclnss lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and anything in the line of farmers housekeep ers or contractors necessities the puzzle is to find n better place than thomas c moores to buy anything in the above lines also to find out if youare indebted to him for anythidr pur chased from him his hooks say soino are and lie would liko the money 1 w h rutledge the butcher deals in everything in the meat line no cits establishment ciui he found better stock ed at all sos sons v- acto dntaeio thursday xqveibeimt 1887 no questionable goods of fered to customers at any price lowest prices and square dealine i my motto one irialeonvincos on these points cash always paid for cattle the price paid for hides and sheepskins hrriiest w ii rutledge wellington marble works quebec st gttelpe hamilton 6l clark proprietors wholesale und retail dealers m marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of ah kinds lot granite aud t marble ilaviiil laiely visited the hay oj fundyyrairito quarries and bavins purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments ljeadsttfnes crofses urn etc of alexander tjiylpr at less than cot ave will until further notioe sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments tt hifiv jg0 7 ft 7j8ft 90 itfthti 10 ft 21 allvorkiiiul material warranted iirsj-cla- varties wanting anything in this line will dowvil to call and see m before purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee our prices are from 30 to 30 per cent below all other dealers lllown attoltnuy atents secured foi inventions cn v onist ottawa canada c no ratent no pay vv hemstreet i auetioxf v n mid halton oiliee actol be promptly at tlu- lni tnss tervi- ieatnable 4 loan on the uiosl favt al sic uwcii rate- of illtele a murray at- licn juntij aulnoniii sr l halton and wellington hence mail street oppos- acton- or aiiireseil to acton eeive strict attention t notes discounted if desired 1erui j iin day- architect guklhi ont i aceus hotel lilock market square f kan cis nunan or to t f lhapuiani- h00k13indkh iuelphonjario f ii kims innile to irdcr vei vde- liptioii carefully huud u i proiuptly done uv 1ianlan barber shop mil srrkkt acton i- tviih haircut a s rjiiijijiifio always given t i rirtclas cundition inr tastily cut v h wolidkn tunsorial artists oain liazors ladies i t urlpli business colk iuellilontakk hlrtu scholastic y m ir 1t the fucult i lemd each of tl v fiivi an exporioliccc thilhorouch and pra 1- 1c thelidhw 11 iabiates both in cl ivus ladies lire adlllitl rered by the lnstlt m m mcohmic ililippal lumber shingles and lath f iinr lo inlonii the on lianl and willk pue and lleliilock ah i r also liltl illlilfcl- j 1alli coal wood f 0 ct li d- 5 ad f i tlio coal bllhiness ot i ovpirrd tusupplv all ki f si il olll stock of ilir and mill mobdatr a nl ami coal delivered- jamks 111 mutual ire insurance comp ar has rged and tica oven inula d to tiou liyert j ii avorden havlni assumed propriotorslip of the liven business laiely carried on by mr v e smith wouid solicit the patronalie of theptlblic and will do their utmost to please all customers well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured pirstclass outfit for commercial travel lers atspecial rates a comfortable bus meets all day trains and night also if ordered iivc us a call j h worden a splendid assortment f -i- fancy goods -at- days bookstore guelph day sells cheap j ff sinson i tailor and draper price thliee cekts forfrg singing itself nn active member were to her things of the past it was not strango that she had as mr janeway said stayed at homej mostly through the years of her married life abby austin had been her friend and counsellor ever ready to lend a helping j hand in time of trouble no one else knew so well the daily trial the crushed hopes shus xamks vkitry itlpilks 1 asked a wee nmld with winsomo way how alio sing her soiibs throqgh tut ijkiloiig day are they yoodlnud echoes tha cortfo nt cull aro they fairy fobtstepb hint round you fall did you borrow or stoal each happy note from some ioatricrod sniigsters bursting nn vam aspirations of the woman who throat dp you make thorn out of flowerets gay or weave in tho sunbeams golden ray oh i cannot tell said tho merry elf i cannot help it it sings itself theros a- song in my hoart whoso guy notes ring- louder that woodland songsters sing grander than those which havo foliud h tongue swooter than any my lips have sung brighter than sunbeams of flowerets gay this song that siugb through tho lifelong day it never ceasds through storms or ill of ono sweet joy will it carol still i will borrow your phrase my pretly elf for this song in my heart tlmt sings itself ada m simpson tlcrt jfatmlii llciting magnificent range of in is now showing a now andj choice lines fall suitings trouserings and overcoatings extraordinary valjie in underwear ties collars cuffs gloves cl mens working pants one dollar j n stixson flockwood next door to postjofvicc eben janewas 0ffer what is the salary eben salary yes it may not be sufficient to meet the demands every woman has on her purse this question asked by a woman whose ycarb numbered thirtyfive was as much a riddlo to the middleaged man she addre-s- cd as was the sphinx to the ancient had been eben janewayb wife once buo said to him emily is breaking down you should get lieu a good girl eben and he had an swered my mother never had a girl abby jf she could get along i dont seq why emily cant abby said no more but even when the burden was heaviest lightened it with will ing hands and the sympathy of a lovingf ieart two years had passed sincejcmilys tired hands were folded for the last time and mr janeway had come to the conclu sion that the reign of misrule must end a paid housekeeper was not to him an agreeable inmate the house seemed to him to have passed from his hands into hers and housekeeping bills accumulated faster than he could settle them his children were unruly and getting beyond his con trol after long deliberation he decided that there was one woman who could deftly unravel the tangled threads of his domestic affairs abby austin she jiadi always in looking over the canadian shipping list the number of vessels that have the same name must strike the reader with burprise tho builders of ships 6eetn to have exercised but lltth ingenuity in find ing names for them the iiamesof womeu are the most common and it is really as tonishing to find how many builders have oelected the same name 7or their ships there are on tho list 88 vessels that have been christened mary 22 mary aiin and 18 mary jane the number of vessels whose names begin with mary i full of corn are no fewer than 178 and among these are not counted the maries the marie annes and the marie louises etc of firm but time alone can tell how closely it which thfere ure over 140 more after mary aud mariei annie and its combinations is the favorite name there being about seventy vessels which have that narne there are jiteen marias and as many maria louisas why any j one should call his vessel morning star it is difficult to conjecture yet there are on the list seventeen vessels of that name quickstep does not appear to be a very appropriate name for a ship yet there are ten quickstepson the list mayflower is pretty and poetic so tiiut wo do not won der 60 much to find nineteen vessels bearing that name but why there should be twelve two brothers and eiht three brothers aud four three sisters is not sp easy to guess pretty nearly all the saints in the calendar tire represented on on the shmpwnrnttitrckiiojrie of them to wlty is an old maid like a dried orange becaise neither of them 1h worth a good sijuetfee the lion and the lamb may lie together but tliey cant hold a candle to a couple of lawyers j it strange a woman who claims to have a mind of her own takes every oppor- tunitjfto give everybody a piece of it huiband attempting to sing my voices is rather hhuskusky tonight wifef- no wonder its huskv you it re a mr moran married a miss moore moraii moore will be the motto of that come to emilys relief and assistance when lj i n egyptians for after long aid careful things got ahead of her and generally thrff f 7 thcrc we 24 j b st josephs 13 st lawr deliberation he had made a proposal of straightened out under her direction marriage to abby austin whose accepted lover he had been long years ago and her reply was a question altogether foreign to the subject which interested him to the exclusion of all others i think i spoke pretty plain abby and it isnt a question of play at all i asked you to marry mo and come whor* theres plenty to keep house now your fathers gone youll maybe find it hard getting along he remarked with the happy self- consciousness of a successful man it requires but little being alone as yu say and that need not cause me anxiety at present father did not leave me with out friends and there is still a small amount of money but if i were going to accept a housekeepers position i naturally wanted to know about the salary what do you pay mfs mudge eben eben janeway now thoroughly exas- yeshe had decided he would offer her the place of honor from which emily had been removed in his best suit with his hair cut and face clean shaven he presented himself a man wellto do as he would have ex pressed it and in the prime of life hefore this woman of middleage with small i means for her future support not for the j sake of an old romance but because she j was the one practical woman of his ac- j quaintance whom he supposed capable of evolving order out of chaotic elements in i the place he called home i thought maybe youd like to come youve been there so much late years when once things get straightened out it ences 10 st louis and 7 st pierres besides there are 21 providences in our mer chant marine canadian ship owners are not only devout they are exceedingly loyal there are 20 victorias on the list and g british queen the princess louise is well represented and so is the marquis of lorne there are on the list l sea birds 10 sea elowers and 9 stars besides v water lilys and 5 zephyrs there are also on it 11 lady of the lakes 7 queens 10 may queens i village belles and 1 paragane who have ii larks and j linnets 7 swallows arid 1 sea birds to keed them company it would seem- that in naming ships as in mfhiing children very little originality is exercised and noregard won t be so bad the children always did i i j i j appears to be paid to appropriateness or to the eternal fitness pf things every body or almost everybody seems content to mind you abbey you have not told me the salary eben to be sure i only asked out of curiosity perated exclaimed in tones more emphatic j t0 see jf yon i out 1kiw mucl he- ten cent store is as busy as a beehive uett opening out new goods j arriving from dennany england and new york and marked bfi at the i lowest cash prices jas f kidneh ten cent store w barb bros paper makers george own ont i g thc twilight hour when she placed hcrj uayed something 0 the anxiety he felt than gentle i dont want u housekeeper i want a wife are you dreaming abby or what i am not dreaming eben nor am i more stupid than usual i understand you er than i make myself understood was the reply the graceful line looking woman made lo the man who for the second time asked her hand in marriage ii is first wooing had been quite different from this he had wooed with soft words and loving looks and she had answered then with low sweet words the question he asked today yes eben i love you and god willing will be your wife wete the words spoken years ago today alio only noticed the same question by asking mother what is the salary eben i did think strange you couldnt under stand english abby i always was will ing to allow you was the best scholar eben remarked at length dimly recollect- emily saved while she did all the house work ami took care of the dairy her board and lodging did not cost much you must have saved money eben well yes i considerable but as it looks to nre 4iolv everything is going to ruin pretty fast the old place dont look as it did when mother was alive emily would hardly know it as the well kept house she lived in i am sorry for you eben yes my wife was a good housekeeper but mbther she seemed to complaining so much dili it ever occur mother had but one eben well yes i dnow more trouble since mrs been thinking abbey that i wouldnt mind if you got a girl to help round would work for her board he added with characteristic forethought come now what say he asked in tones which be- follow somebody elses exampl kindxkss an1i confidkxck a roughlooking man brought his sou i one day into a district school saying i have brought my boy here and would like to see if you can do anything with him i confess he is more than i can manage of all the stubborn boys i know of jc is the j worst j i one ditwas the teacher was passing along bv the desks he laid his hand kindly oii j to you that your child to care for my six are much mudge came ive tkltuiv or machine finished book papers iiiliitiiah- imi wkkkiy news the paper used jn this journal is from the above mills j vm barber bros helloi nhlie jllhs coml pause and consider that it will be to your own intetrest to putronizo home trade we would respectfully inform tho inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that we are again in full running order and in a better position than hefore the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dressed while you wait and mouldings ac made with neatness and despatch n 11 we are also prepared to fill nil orders for pumps ouuhorl notice imd from long experience in the business we leel eonlident that we can give sat isfaction every lime so come on with your orders and help to roll the ball along money lnukes the more go whether she has legs or no phos ebbagb manager hielph hand in his with sweet trustfulness and conscious that she listened how with busy hands and eyes which looked straight for- wd searching the secret places of his heart who shall solve the mystery of the sphinx who understand the change time eflects in a wonmns heart i do not understand you at all he said in reply to her last remark i wish yau would explain yourself abby well eben you have a large farm and a large family you expect your wife to do a servants work what do you propose to pay her as a weekly monthly or quarterly- salary so thats it is it i must say that considerin were old lovers youre uncom mon cool frosty you think may be you are right we are older thlm we were at the time you refer to with so much senti ment mr janeway seemed disturbed miss miss austin looked straight in her suitors face with her brown eyes which retained the mellow softness of her youth saying simply no eben i told you 1 could provide ns shoulder but the by shuddered and et on without shrank from him what is the matter henry asked the teacher i thought you were going to strike me why should i strike you because i am such a had boy who says yoirare a bad hoy father says iain a bad hoyandmother one that sa 0 an every one sayslso but you are not a bad boy at least 1 think so and you can be as good a boy as any one ask god to help you to be good and you will be sure to sueeeed the poor boys eyes filled with tears he was not used to such kind words and when his teacher left him he hiought caul bo a good boy when every one says im so bad but he did not sasvl was i will for myself wlien father dieoj i expected bad he baid i c be a rood boy to do so but changes have occurred i be a good boy could notjnow accept your offei and would from that time a marked change was not if i could you may wish to know the i observed in the boy he took a great deal will bje adhered to ani incurable old bachelor one who- 6eemfligiy rejoices in his infirmity de scribe marriage as a female despotism tempered by puddings pp said a boy i know what makes folks jjaugh in their sleeves well my son what makes eilv cause thats where their funny bone is i jsay jenkins can you tell a young- tender chicken from an old tough one of course i can well how by the i teeth chickens have no teeth no hut i have the juuc bu disappears in june the lightning bug in may vile bed bug takes his bonnet of- and says ive come to stay it is love that makes the world go round we are informed by thepoets it is a somewhat notable act that a very limited quantity of poor whisky will pro duce the same effect fair suturu has a silver ring j the moon a ring of flame tho sun has got no ring at all- hut he gets there just thc samo- oil j dear said a young lady how much i missmy poor dear mother why i it appeals to me i can see her now just s i she used to sit at thebreakfasftable reach- i ing out for the best potato i love you with a deep and undying affection he sighed can i hope that that affection is returned why cer- i tny responded the matter of fact young lady i have no particulitr use for it f lilmor of the day it would seem natural fora carpenter to walk with a lumbering gait my bark is on the sea remarked the man who sent his dog on shipboard the fisherman has no difficulty in mak ing both ends meet when he catches an eel even a doctor who speaks only one language may yet understand a great many tongues when the days grow sud and lonely loyc and youth and friends depart there is naught like a hologna 0 sausage to cheer up his heart there is nothing consolatory for the patient suffering from a severe cold in the head to be told that colds attack llie-weak- est spot if ypu want- to get a good idea uftumult- otis motion jou want to watch the agitation of tho bustles of two women dancing a hop waltza joggs thinks his girl the pride of earth- he pictures her in glowing colors and loves her for herrnodest wortrf fsaid jobo thirty thousand dollars ajid what mnkes yon thinkjlm a slow reade asked merritt because re plied smiss suyder i lent you a book morehan a year ago and you dont seem to huye finished it yet who is that young man that just called ou you asked the senior member of the firm hes connected with the squartip life insurance company what does he do i dont know but judging from his deportment i should say he must- be custodian of the ussnrauce merchant trarrler hi- mothers work raiir i llaking stewing and brewing itoasting frying and ijniling sweeping dusting and ashing starching ami ironing kipping tiiuning and mendini cutting basting and stitching making tire old like new shoestrings tohne faces to wash buttons to sew and tho like of mich stockings to darn yhilc the children play stories to tell tears to wipe awa making them happy the livelong day- it is e crltliis from morn till nieln vvhasays that a mothers work is lig iatlt ii at evening fiir jittle forms in white prayers all said and the hist goodnigln tucking ttioni safe lruh downy boil falomly askin- oil r each beat il tiiate tatherdear in heaven will kee safe all lily darling awnke or asleep then i think the old adage true ever will prove it is easy tolaliur lor ibisitbat wlovc iutiii ah mel deprine i often ay as i hang tlio tumbled clothes away and the teardrops start while my burdened heart aches for tlio mother across the wiy where oh where are hit nestlings ilown al aregtnie 1 save one alone iblded their garment with teiiderest care npresed the pillov- and vacant chair no ribbolis to lie no faces to wash no hair all awry no merry voiced to hush into rest iod gave theih and he knowch best but ah the heartanguish i the tears that fall r this mothers work isthc hardest of all s i mrlger i a sensation 1 oiiinimi of a pasliionahlc- woman of the world reason lis the friend of a lifetime it is your right to know why i cannot our conversation may have informed you why i would not she parted to adjust the wool which had in some way got twisted around the ivory hook it is because i have accepted a similar offer from judge gower who is disposed to think me capable of directing the ser vants he has retained since of interest in his studies and made rapid progress his schctolfellows soon learned to love him he grew uj- to be a great aud good man and became governor of one of the largest state in america jirttuh workinnii a iii3iinttiye printing ill ess a firm on wall street new 1ork lias in oration and on exhibition wlfat is est woism- it is an interchang- doyou expect to win in your dress teform movement was asked ip mrs annie jenness miller 111 e 13th st new y editor of i hope to why- do jypu object to- the present style it is ungraceful deforming and injuri ous do ladies geneiallv support the re- foim yes very generaliy r my correspond- enceiii very heavy next to mrs clevc- lands mine issaid to be the largess durtly mail of any womans in the united states and from not only every state in the union inn from almost every country of europe is the majazine dras succeeding very handsomely indeed drew has been publishecl less than a year and i am gratified with reports from all over the world of the acceptance by ladies in the very highest rank of the reform which dre advocates mrs miller is a comely woman iu ap pearance and is very enthusiastic in her dress reform ugitatiou as the new york graphic says she herself is young and attractive with a figure so harmoniously developed as to suggest strength power and beauty the reform ivhichie is urging with bo much eloquence and grace seemed to be the coming one mrs jenness miller has the adyttutage of high social position being of thtsame fitiiily with the lute wendell philips and the poet oliver wendell holmes lit is in the fashionable world of course where lll the styles are determined and where iv daunji muni hijin she she waxtki papa headquarters for the bell organ and lansdowne piano the leadingplanos andorgans of the present day death and of being of great use in his family of girls as his wife i shall have an allowance whioh will enable me to gratify individual tastes and dispense j austin waited for him to speak her eyes j c as may seem best to me under meeting his calmly her fingers industri- j suc conditions i leave the state of single j ously at work with ivory hook and scarlet l blessedness without regret wool how white her hands were yet he i aell abby as i saia before you are had known of many hours of hard labor those same hands hud performed when it irc is of ood asou- own oouitt of nvsllitfgtol isiaiiiinllkh 1810 cuelph ny the fall will bcheiebefore you know it but kenney bros or nn having been appointed sole agent for these two leading instruments i am pre pared to offer extra inducements to pur chasers this fall j instruments sold on the monthly or quarterly instalment plan or gooddiscountfor cjisli writcfor catalogues and prices or call iit tho wareroom yommii u toi k or i sheet mttsic new music and- the latest songs arriving daily catalogues fnrnished free on application a i ll lini 01 aii musical instrumeirts violinoellas viouns guitars batrjos flutes mouth orgafis etc- etc insulation books call und examine 0 w opposite lost oflic for every intriiiiieiit my stoik kell headoffice i mi ll svti lianilise manufie of property i fw sbune onas davids in iredident seer ry i jlohn ta v bcv- geli toiicj- n the dominion boot shoe store main street acton have anticipated ifs early arrival and laid in a spleidfd stock of bootfe pijioes 4c for fall wear our reputation for good goods and superior value is well established we can suit you all our ustlim department is turningoukurstclassworkas usual withgoodistock and repairing is always promptly and lieatly done kenney bros guelph the picture gallery guelph waters bros wito wf11e burnt out monday night have temporarily removed to nelles old stand where the are preparing to sacrifice their tremendous tock was a labor of love what did the woman mean he addressed her in an aggrieved tone you might pay me the compliment of listening to me at least youre uncom mon busy no 1 think not 1 am usually em- j ployedwith something or other i but the salary you asked about abby who ever heard of such a thing you never thought of it when we were i younger- 1 no eben neither did emily out and in among the threads of- bright wool the ivory hook pursued its wa- guided by miss austins nimble fingers the name of the wife who had been his slave called a hush to the suiiburned face j of the farmer no she didnt clic never wanted for i anythingto eat or wear you know that abby eben janeway trying to understand the ktrange look on his listeners face added to be sure she stayed at home mostly and it stands to reason didnt need- the fixings- youve had to have going about so much yes ebon i am lis you say fond of going about i enjoy going to church visiting my neighborsattending the dor cas society and lectures and concerts break the monotony of a long winter in the coun try miss austin replied while her visitor fidget ted in his chair lie had not forgot ten that his wife had been fond of these innocent amusem*nts and had only given up going to church the last year of her life other things had been given up one by one as the children came each claiming its individual right to care and attention so with washing ironing sweeping bak ing and the making of butter and cheese cool you wont quite forget oldfriends will you i certainly not eben miss austin re plied you can depend on me for advice concerning the children i will help you if i can thank you yes but i wish you will tell me what i shall do about miss mudge a lady in the street met a little girl be tween two and three years old evidently mrs gowers lost and cryiug bitterly the lady took the babys hand and asked where she was going down to find papa reply fcjvhat is your papas name asked the ladr his name is papa but what is his other name what does your mamma call him- she calls him papa persisted the little creature the lady then tried to lead her along you had better come with me i giioss you came this wajvn yes buti donwaut to go back i want to finttmy papa replied the little probably the sma press in the world able cylinder printing from i continuous roll with axutoff it is but 12 12 iuches iu length and 7 1 2 inches high its width in the widest part is lfl 12 inches at the office wlerc it is in use it has been necessary to furnish to brokers and others a daily letter of financial news until the invention of the press this service was per formed by the manifold system nine jhiunifolders were required working very ie o mg rtt j3 simple hand power after the type is set 200 copies per minute of any circular can be printed with a dynamo machine to furnish the power over 500 copies can be printed in the same time chicago htraltl says v politeness she is a great trial to me and now you see i cant send her way as i hoped to your question is a difficult one to an swer eben for the present you must i should say do the best you ean but having once started in seared of a wife you will probably continue trie search wfiefa you have found that pearl of great price a good wife strew her path with some of the girl crying afresh as if her heart would break whatdo you want of your papa asked the lady i wantto kiss him just at thfsmoment a sister of ho child who had beeu searching for her came along and took possession of the little run away from inquiry it appeared tfiut the roses of life so shall she repay you with ilittle ones papa wliom she wasso elirnestly love and tender care when advancing seeking had recently died and she tired a brave active intelligent terrier be- longing o a ladyfrieud oue duydiscovereid a monkey belonging to an itinerant organ- grinder seated upon- a bank within the grounds and id once made a dash for him the monkey who was attired in jacket and hafuwai ed the onset in such undisturbed tranquillity that the dog halted within a few feet to reconnitre bpth animals took a long steady stare at each other but the dog was evidently recovering from his sur prise and was about to make a spring for the intruder at cms critical juncture the monkey which lntd remained perfectly quiet hitherto raised bis paw and graceful ly siluted by lifting his hat the effect years brings ills to which you are now a stranger the scarlet wool has given out the hook securely fastening the work it had fashion- ed lay on the work srand mr janewayb face still wore a troubled expression at length he questioned do you think of any one abby excuse jairjben but i would not take the responsibility you will no doubt find what you seek unaided till in good time s well abby maybe bo i wish you joy anyhow he extended his hand jouheued by- hard labor for a last handshake with abby austin it would seem different to shake hands with judge gowers lady time it is said rights all wrongs mrs gcvc- who seemed to have been born a lady graced the house of her hus band while eben janewayb second wife j was a good housekeeper yet notbound to the everturning wheel of drudgery which allows no repose of mind or body of waiting for him to come home had gone out to find lnln a iwsilk coili a certain vivacious young girl ou 10th street has been in the habit of wearing low shoes and a week or so ago caught a bad cold in consequence hermother told the doctor about it secretly and asked him to advise her not to wear them when the young lady was ushered into his presence lie requested her to give her tongue the usual outdoor exercise and he pxaminel it attentively yes i thought so said he with a shake of the head yon have been wearing low slices- itnd have caught what we medical gentlemen call- a low now you must quit wearing bs until they reach the grate there doesnt seem to tie a high eatima- tionof value placed upon the bride who is emily janeway was busy from the time given away she left her bed at an early hour until she nasby says that nothing pulls a man returned to it exhausted physically and down like whiskey we have also beeu mentally lectures concerts even the told that nothing dorcas society of which she had been i whiskey elvates a man like elioe cold them at once and take the medicine i am i about to prescribe faithfully and according i to direction he wrote an innocent rc j scription and was about to leave thjshcruse i when the patient culled him back andpara- i lyzed him by saying since you were so clever iu discovering a lowshoe cold by i lco*kiiilat my tongue will you bu kind enough to take i f ray shoes look at my feet and tell me if my liats on straight the doctor says he has swore off treating lowshoe colds the girls nowudays are too smart altogether wumiiiitijii t- jiltoliratt was magical the dogs iliad ahd tail dropped and he sneaked off to the house refusing to leave it until his polite but mysterious guest had departed iruu tunti to take iiki0w stuits a iiiuch worn broom j very hard on the c irpof if jicobible keep one utensil sacred to oniou alone thfe covers of the range should never be allowed to get red hot ifjyou wish your trswid to be white puu very little lard into the flour when the griddle persistently smokes fresh lard will ofl n act as a remedy do not allow ashes to icqumulate in the how do you endure so much work aud keep so well j i dress myself ucyurding to my own ideas and furthermore i give myself the i best of care anil treatment six years ago i was almost exhausted from my work of lecturing writing etc i indeed you do not look like it now no i am not now i am now a per- i fectly well woman and niteilcfeto remain so you see iunderstaiidche laws of life too well to he or remain ill but strange as it may stem for one to sa who is opposed to medicines or general principles if 1 find myself tired or feeling ill i uy to the oue single remedy i do endorse and that is warners safe cure which gives new energy and vitality to all my powers it is indeed what i sometimes call my stand- by i have many opportunities to recom- mfciid it and embrace them gladly be cause i know that it is thoroughly reliable and for women cinjally fictirt indeed i often find myself recommending it to my friends as warmly as i do my magazine ur indeed my improved garments and this i would not do did i not personally know of its virtues i mrs miller insists that all women can and must be beautiful and will be so if they follow her stylo of dress and self- treatment i will yoti not state briefly in just what your reform consists oil with pleasure i propose a jcrsey fitting garment to be wiirn next to the uont exjiect the servant to do good scrubbing with a brush worn donvu to the wood a granite iron kettle may be tndlle bright inside by boilin a small quantity of borax in it a gentlemen recently carried a letter of introduction from a friend to a stranger the struuger received him coolly and showed him the door a kl tic investiga tion showed hiui the reason the reiter said treat him like a trump hut the btraiiger had read illreut him likoa trlimp i body making of woman a vision of loveli ness n over thin i put a cjttou or liueu garment of one piece without banis or binding over the entire body also j m in place of the petticoat i propose one complete holy covering garment called legates iv v we abiiidon the curit entirely as toaly unlit for use in is common form andwe substitute therefor a supple sup porting waist and then we make the oirt- sidcgowji lis beautiful unilitic skill aiicl coiiimoifseiise can design mrs milltrswords of counsel which i every woman should heed will undoubtedly give to the women of america some new ideas upon the snbjict ha very near to each oftliein run ougiii iu ue a iiuiniy man anu a n ought to be u woiriunly woman feuiiirutc- man ulid il masculine womttn a niun ought to be a manly man and a woman an effeu are always offensively abnormal yet the true man is sure to huc a womanly side tj his nature una a true woman issure to jiivc certain iittiibiitts of the licit manli ness but ihciei ill the diflierence in the world- between womanliness and eleniinacy ahd between manliness and masculinity in man or woman the fly is generally acknowledged to be la3priut for iffc crown r vy



Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1887, p. 2 (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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